Ask @ColtOfPersonalityY2K:


What is your favorite type of Mario series? Standard Sidescroller, Kart Racing, Party Games, or RPG? [Super Mario RPG & Paper Mario series]

I honestly enjoy all of them. Sunshine, Party 2 and 7, 64, Double Dash, Thousand Year Door, Galaxy, Superstar Saga, all brilliant games and amongst my favorite Mario games of all time. I can't really pick a favorite type of Mario game, I love them all. (Hey that's 7, I CAN MAKE A TOP 7 MARIO LIST! XD)

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What's your opinion on Super Mario Bros. Z?

DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE I LOVE SUPER MARIO BROS Z! 8D It gave me so much inspiration for writing fight scenes. Plus you gotta love Back to Mad by Texas Fa**ot. It gets you pumped and interested in what's gonna happen. It REALLY sucks that it got discontinued, I'd love to see it all wrapped up.

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Weirdest anime you've ever seen? [not counting Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt]

That one show with all the Bo's in it. >_> Look I get that it's trying to be funny but it's just the same thing every episode. It's random, random, random, and honestly it gets annoying pretty quickly. (I can see why my friends relate to this show then...)

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GLaDOS or Wheatley?

(AWWWW MAN WHY YOU GOTTA ASK THAT! Dx) Seriously though, maybe it's just I like the British, but I like Wheatley a lot. It's so hard to choose between them but i'd pick them for different reasons, if they hung around with me. GLaDOs would be my friend whose a bitch to everyone and Wheatley would be the sassy best friend. Can't I have both? XD

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Would you say you were already in the Walking Dead game because of Vince's design?

(hmm, I wonder whose insanely obsessed on Walking Dead and can't ask anything else besides that? I love how autism makes people obsessed to the point where they can only talk on their favorite things. Glad I broke out of that.) No, I would not say so. Just because he looks similar doesn't mean it's me.

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did you know next year there'll be power ranger trains!!

Why yes, I'm quite "excited" for it. I'm sure the fans will choo-choose this one over Megaforce. Once the first episode comes out, all the critics will put their brakes on. I don't mean to toot my own whistle, but I enjoy these weird parody type seasons. It really grinds my axels when I see a series derail so easily. When the DVD pulls into the station, I'm sure I'll be able to give you a good review on it. Bust my buffers, that was a long answer. XD *goes under rock in shame* WORTH IT! XD

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Based on the two Trail games you played would you actually go to the Oregon Trail or the Amazon Trail in real life?

Oregon Trail? Yeeaaaahhhhh no. I would not be able to stand living around that time. But Amazon Trail? Yeah, I'd give that a shot. It's on my bucket list somewhere I think. I don't think that particular trail is real because trails don't have imaginary time travelling portals. >_> <_< Though it would be pretty cool if they did! XD

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why no love for Blackstar from Soul Eater :3

Oh I don't know, maybe just the fact I wanna punch his little face in everytime he opens his mouth. I can't stand him, his attitude, his stupid weapon, his stupid hair, his stupid cocky attitude, his stupid eyes, the fact he gets someone considerably hot as his sidekick, the fact he just exists makes me uneasy with the world. I was very happy when he got kicked got kicked in the balls by the little witch. He deserves it. Oh yeah, can't stand his voice either. Just snipe him, takes him to an incenerator, and just pretend he doesn't exist.
(But seriously, I just don't like him very much.)

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what was your favorite and least favorite games you Let's Played on either Livestream or YouTube?

Favorite? Drat, that's a tough one. Walking Dead's up there. So is Portal 2 and Phoenix Wright. I'm gonna go with Mario Party 2 though. That game's a ton of fun and the reaction alone make it hysterical. Least favorite? Easily, Can Your Pet? or the PETA "games" they created.

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are you still close friends with trainlover476 and missoliverandblossom?

Of course. We don't do thomas stuff anymore but we're all close regardless. If you watch our movie nights, they are always there for the post com. We chat as often as we can, when we get free time. We get along, despite how much they wanna rip my head off when I get to them. (I'm genuinely chaotic, that provides for some amusing entertainment! XD)

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You didn't mind the Star Wars prequels? Welcome to the Not Against Star Wars Prequels Group(an obviously made up group)!

I'm not the hugest Star Wars fan in the world. I enjoy the originals and I think the prequels are passable. Granted they have their flaws like the dialogue, the acting, the cheesyness but I can take away small scenes from each. I enjoyed the podracing and Darth Maul duel from Episode 1. Yoda getting to kick some ass in Episode 2 and the whole entire jedi arena fight was good too. See for me, the action is why I enjoy the prequels and that's what makes Episode 3 my favorite. That movie kicks so much ass and even though it's not the best acted, you can feel the emotion in the final fight with Anakin and Obi-Wan. So yeah, I may be in the small minority who can enjoy all six episodes without too many problems.

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ok, I've never actually been on this site before but, what's your all time favorite animated TV show

Ahhhh, the million dollar question for the Toon Kritic! XD Well good sir, that's a tough one. I think I'm gonna have to default to a show that helped define me, my creative abilities, social skills in school, and helped gain me a few friends: YuGIOh! I was addicted to the original show when it was on Kids WB and was fascinated with the characters, art style, and most importantly: the story. This show kicks ass and the card game is just as fun. Ain't no way I'm giving up my cards, you see how much those things for on eBay!? XD
(Also before anyone asks, GX is meh, adore, 5D's, never seen Zexal.)

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What art form do you like best?

Well that one's a little tricky to answer. Art forms can be audio, visual, physical, anything really. I guess if I had to pick one I'd go with the written art form. You go with something you're good at and make it your own, you can have others look at your art form and think "Yeah man, this guy puts a lot of passion into what he does."
I may or may not have understood the question. ^^;;

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What is the most played song in your music library?

The theme song to Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, my all time favorite season of the show. Yeah yeah, I know Power Rangers is corny and kinda sucks these days (If you watch Megaforce, I feel so sorry for you.) but this was a step up from watching a show about a little blue tank engine. A BIG step up. ^^;;

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