#!perl require "~common.pl"; require "~dex.common.pl"; require "~sql.dex.pl"; my $id = $cmn::GQuery->get('id'); if (!defined $id) { layout::fatal('Pokédex Error', 'No Pokémon id given.') } my %this = sql::dex::pokemon_info($id - 1); if (!%this) { layout::fatal('Pokédex Error', qq'Pokémon id "$id" is invalid.') } $this{hid} = $this{id} + 1; $this{pid} = cmn::pad($this{hid}, 3); $this{generation} = ($this{id} < 151) ? 0 : ( ($this{id} < 251) ? 1 : 2 ); my %evchain = sql::dex::evchain_info($this{evid}); my @ranked_types = sql::dex::type_ranked; layout::header(title => "$this{name} - Pokémon #$this{hid}", heading => $this{name}, linkname => 'dex'); ################################################################################ print < $dex::PokeNames[($this{id} + 1) % $dex::PokeCount] > < $dex::PokeNames[($this{id} - 1) % $dex::PokeCount]

Basic Data

END { # abilities print qq'\n'; # breeding code my ($a, $b) = split //, cmn::tohex($this{brdcode}); my @brdgrpnames = sql::dex::breed_names; print qq'\n'; # gender distro print qq'\n'; # effort points print qq'\n'; } print < END # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print <Evolution Chain
Name: $this{name} Height: @{[int($this{height} / 12)]}'@{[$this{height} % 12]}" or @{[cmn::round($this{height} * 0.0254, 1)]} m R/B/Y code: @{[dex::hexstr($this{oldgs})]}
Number: $this{hid} Weight: $this{weight} lb or @{[cmn::round($this{weight} * 0.4536, 1)]} kg G/S/C code: @{[dex::hexstr($this{generation} < 2 ? $this{hid} : undef)]}
RuSa Number: @{[ $this{newid} + 1 ]} Type: $this{type1}@{[ $this{type2} ? qq' / $this{type2}' : '' ]} Base EXP: @{[dex::hexstr($this{baseexp})]}
Generation: $dex::Generations[$this{generation}]{games} Kind: \U$this{kind}\E Capture rate: @{[dex::hexstr($this{caprate})]}
Romaji: $this{japname} Color: \U$this{color}\E Breeding code: @{[dex::hexstr($this{brdcode})]}
Katakana: $this{japkana} Growth rate: $dex::GrowthRates[$evchain{growth}] Gender code: @{[dex::hexstr($this{gender})]}
Abilities: '; my @abilities = split / /, $this{ability}; my @abildata = (); for (@abilities) { my %abil = sql::dex::ability_info($_); push @abildata, qq#\U$abil{name}\E: # . dex::fixpoke($abil{effect}); } print join '
', @abildata; if (!defined $evchain{steps}) { $evchain{steps} = 'n/a'; } else { $evchain{steps} =~ s/(\d\d\d)$/,$1/; } print qq'
Steps to hatch: $evchain{steps}
Breeding groups: '; print qq'$a - $brdgrpnames[hex $a]'; print qq'
$b - $brdgrpnames[hex $b]' unless $a eq $b; print qq'
Gender distro: '; my @frac = qw/0 ⅛ ¼ ⅜ ½ ⅝ ¾ ⅞ all/; my $gen = $this{gender}; my $g = cmn::round( $gen / 32 ); if ($gen == 255) { print "No gender"; } elsif ($g == 0) { print "Always male"; } elsif ($g == 8) { print "Always female"; } else { print qq'$frac[$g] female, $frac[8 - $g] male; females have an Attack DV of @{[ $g * 2 - 1 ]} or lower'; } print qq'
Effort Points: '; my @pts; for my $i (0 .. 5) { my $pt = substr $this{effort}, $i, 1; if ($pt) { push @pts, "$pt $dex::StatNames[$i]"; } } print (join(', ', @pts) or 'none (you should NOT see this)'); print qq'
END # evolution chain # I love this. this is the greatest thing ever. { my $ev = eval $evchain{chain}; my $orig = eval $evchain{chain}; my $rows = &ev_countrows($ev); my $levs = &ev_countlevels($ev); my $newev = &ev_addrows($ev, 1); my $has_baby = ($levs > 1 and $orig->[0] > $orig->[2][0]); print qq''; print qq'' if $has_baby; print qq''; print qq'' if $levs - ($has_baby?1:0) >= 2; print qq'' if $levs - ($has_baby?1:0) >= 3; print qq''; for $i (1 .. $rows) { my $evptr = $newev; print "\n"; for $j (1 .. $levs) { if ($evptr->[2] == $i) { my $tmprows = &ev_countrows($evptr, 1); my $rspan = $tmprows == 1 ? '' : ' rowspan="' . $tmprows . '"'; my $pnum = cmn::pad($evptr->[0] + 1, 3); my $hnum = $evptr->[0] + 1; my $item = $evptr->[1] ? &ev_item($evptr->[1]) : ($has_baby ? 'lucky-egg' : 'pokeball'); my $s = ($evptr->[0] == $this{id}) ? '' : ''; my $e = ($evptr->[0] == $this{id}) ? '' : ''; my $method = &ev_type($evptr->[1]) || 'Base form'; $method = "
$method"; print qq' '; print qq' ' if $evptr->[0] != $this{id}; print qq'
'; print qq'
'; print qq'
' if $evptr->[0] != $this{id}; print qq' \n'; } last if $j == $levs; for $k (0 .. $#$evptr-3) { if ($k == $#$evptr-3 or $evptr->[$k+4][2] > $i) { $evptr = $evptr->[$k+3]; last; } } } print "
\n"; } } print < END # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print <Type Modifiers Types are arranged by how much damage they do against this Pokémon.
Note that one or two type effects changed in G/S/C, and this chart uses the NEW effects.
BabyBasicStage 1Stage 2
END { my $t1 = $dex::TypeData{ $this{type1} }{id}; my $t2 = defined $this{type2} ? $dex::TypeData{ $this{type2} }{id} : -1; my @nums = sort { $dex::TypeNames[$a] cmp $dex::TypeNames[$b] } 0 .. $#dex::TypeNames; my (@tbl, @cnt, $tname); for $i (@nums) { $ef1 = $dex::ModEffect{ substr $dex::TypeData{$dex::TypeNames[$i]}{new_effects}, $t1, 1 }; $ef2 = ($t2 == -1) ? 10 : $dex::ModEffect{ substr $dex::TypeData{$dex::TypeNames[$i]}{new_effects}, $t2, 1 }; $ef = $ef1 * $ef2; $tbl[$i] = $dex::ModAmt{$ef}; $cnt[ $dex::ModAmt{$ef} ]++; } for $i (0 .. 5) { next unless $cnt[$i]; print qq'\n'; for $j (@nums) { if ($tbl[$j] == $i) { $tname = $dex::TypeNames[$j]; print qq' \n'; } else { print qq' \n'; } } print qq'\n'; } } print < END # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print <Pokédex Data
$dex::ModAmt[$i]: $dex::TypeData{$tname}{abbr}
END if ($this{generation} == 0) { print qq'\n'; print qq'\n'; } if ($this{generation} <= 1) { print qq'\n'; print qq'\n'; print qq'\n'; print qq'\n'; } else { print qq'\n'; print qq'\n'; } print < END # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print <Locations This is... in the works, but whatever is shown here ought to be accurate.
It only shows limited stuff from R/B right now, but I'm working on that. When finished, there will be a link to a more detailed chart of the levels of the Pokémon in each area and the chances of seeing them.


$dex::Icons{rb}' . dex::fixpoke($this{dexrb}) . qq'
$dex::Icons{y}' . dex::fixpoke($this{dexy}) . qq'
$dex::Icons{g}' . dex::fixpoke($this{dexg}) . qq'
$dex::Icons{s}' . dex::fixpoke($this{dexs}) . qq'
$dex::Icons{c}' . dex::fixpoke($this{dexc}) . qq'
$dex::Icons{rusa}' . dex::fixpoke($this{dexsa}) . qq'
$dex::Icons{ru}' . dex::fixpoke($this{dexru}) . qq'
$dex::Icons{sa}' . dex::fixpoke($this{dexsa}) . qq'
END my %locfreq = sql::dex::get_frequencies; my @loccolumns = ( [qw/walking:grass walking:cave/], [], [qw/walking:grass walking:cave fishing:old fishing:good fishing:super surfing/] ); my %loc; for my $ver (qw/red blue yellow/) { $loc{$ver} = { sql::dex::get_locations_summary($this{id}, $ver, $dex::LocPercents[0]) }; } for my $ver (qw/ruby sapphire/) { $loc{$ver} = { sql::dex::get_locations_summary($this{id}, $ver, $dex::LocPercents[2]) }; } if (&loc_equal($loc{red}, $loc{blue})) { if (&loc_equal($loc{red}, $loc{yellow})) { &loc_print($loc{red}, 'rby', '999', $loccolumns[0]); } else { &loc_print($loc{red}, 'rb', '949', $loccolumns[0]); &loc_print($loc{yellow}, 'y', 'CC0', $loccolumns[0]); } } else { &loc_print($loc{red}, 'r', '944', $loccolumns[0]); &loc_print($loc{blue}, 'b', '449', $loccolumns[0]); &loc_print($loc{yellow}, 'y', 'CC0', $loccolumns[0]); } if (&loc_equal($loc{ruby}, $loc{sapphire})) { &loc_print($loc{ruby}, 'rusa', 'C6F', $loccolumns[2]); } else { &loc_print($loc{ruby}, 'ru', 'F99', $loccolumns[2]); &loc_print($loc{sapphire}, 'sa', '99F', $loccolumns[2]); } print < END # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print <Pokédex Images
END if ($this{generation} == 0) { print < END } if ($this{generation} <= 1) { print < END } print <
Green version
$dex::Icons{gr} "Green"
Red/Blue versions
$dex::Icons{rb} Red / Blue
Yellow version
$dex::Icons{y} Yellow
FrLg versions FrLg shiny version
$dex::Icons{frlg} Fire Red/Leaf Green
Gold version Gold shiny version
$dex::Icons{g} Gold
Silver version Silver shiny version
$dex::Icons{s} Silver
Crystal version Crystal shiny version
$dex::Icons{c} Crystal
Reversed GSC versions Reversed GSC shiny versions
$dex::Icons{gsc} GSC back
RuSa versions RuSa shiny version
$dex::Icons{rusa} RuSa
Reversed Ru/Sa/FR/LG versions Reversed Ru/Sa/FR/LG shiny version
$dex::Icons{rsfl} Ru/Sa/FR/LG back
RuSa Icon
RuSa Icon
Old Icon
Old Icon
END # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print <Stats See also: DV Calulator, Stat Calculator END my $avg_stat = 0; for my $i (0 .. $#dex::StatCols) { &stat_row($dex::StatNames[$i], $this{$dex::StatCols[$i]}, sql::dex::stat_percentile($dex::StatCols[$i], $this{$dex::StatCols[$i]})); $avg_stat += $this{$dex::StatCols[$i]}; } $avg_stat /= @dex::StatCols; &stat_row("Average", cmn::round($avg_stat, 1), sql::dex::stat_avg_percentile($avg_stat)); print < END # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print <Breeding Compatibility END { if ($this{id} == 131) { print qq#Ditto can breed with any breeding Pokémon (sorry, no baby Lugia) to produce an egg of that specie.\n#; } elsif ($this{brdcode} == 255) { print qq#Pokémon with a breeding code of FF cannot produce eggs. This unfortunately includes anything good.\n#; } elsif ($this{gender} == 255) { print qq#Genderless Pokémon can only breed with Ditto.\n#; } else { print qq'Only base Pokémon are shown; in general any evolution also applies, with the known exception of Nidoran F (Nidorina and Nidoqueen cannot breed).
\n'; print qq'If your browser has CSS3 support, some Pokémon may be faded out; these are genderless and thus can only breed with Ditto, but are technically still valid partners.
\n'; print qq'Also keep in mind that any gendered Pokémon can breed with Ditto.\n'; my @t = sql::dex::compatible($this{brdcode}); for (@t) { print qq'$dex::PokeNames[$_]\n'; } print "
" . scalar(@t) . " families total
\n"; } } print "\n"; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # print <Move List Note: accuracies are for G/S/C and RuSa. Keep in mind that R/B/Y accuracies are about 0.4% (1 in 255) lower than those shown.
StatBase Amount%ile
END local (@rb, @y, @gs, @c, @rusa); for my $ver (qw/rb y gs c rusa frlg/) { next unless defined $this{'moves' . $ver}; for my $mv (split / /, $this{'moves' . $ver}) { push @$ver, [ split(/-/, $mv) ] } } my @moves = sort by_level @frlg; # nab baby/tutor crap my @babyrusa = sort { $dex::MoveData[$a]{name} cmp $dex::MoveData[$b]{name} } split / /, ( $evchain{babyrusa} || '' ); my @babygs = sort { $dex::MoveData[$a]{name} cmp $dex::MoveData[$b]{name} } split / /, ( $evchain{babygs} || '' ); my @babyc = sort { $dex::MoveData[$a]{name} cmp $dex::MoveData[$b]{name} } split / /, ( $evchain{babyc} || '' ); my @tutor = split / /, $this{tutormoves} || ''; # determine whether to merge level columns my $combine_rby = 1; my $combine_gsc = 1; my $combine_rsfl = 1; # merge gold/silver/crystal if ($this{generation} <= 1) { @rusa = sort by_level @rusa; if ($#rusa != $#frlg) { $combine_rsfl = 0; } else { for (0 .. $#rusa) { if ($rusa[$_][0] != $frlg[$_][0] or $rusa[$_][1] != $frlg[$_][1]) { $combine_rsfl = 0; last; } } } &mergemoves( \@moves, \@rusa ) unless $combine_rsfl; } # merge gold/silver/crystal if ($this{generation} <= 1) { @c = sort by_level @c; @gs = sort by_level @gs; if ($#c != $#gs or $#babygs != $#babyc) { $combine_gsc = 0; } else { for (0 .. $#gs) { if ($gs[$_][0] != $c[$_][0] or $gs[$_][1] != $c[$_][1]) { $combine_gsc = 0; last; } } for (0 .. $#babygs) { if ($babygs[$_] != $babyc[$_]) { $combine_gsc = 0; last; } } } &mergemoves( \@moves, \@c ); &mergemoves( \@moves, \@gs ) unless $combine_gsc; } # merge red/blue/yellow if ($this{generation} == 0) { @y = sort by_level @y; @rb = sort by_level @rb; if ($#y != $#rb) { $combine_rby = 0; } else { for (0 .. $#rb) { if ($rb[$_][0] != $y[$_][0] or $rb[$_][1] != $y[$_][1]) { $combine_rby = 0; last; } } } &mergemoves( \@moves, \@y ); &mergemoves( \@moves, \@rb ) unless $combine_rby; } my $move_columns = 0; my $move_header = sub { qq' \n' }; # print level headers if ($this{generation} == 0) { if ($combine_rby) { print &$move_header('rby'); $move_columns++; } else { print &$move_header('rb'), &$move_header('y'); $move_columns += 2; } } if ($this{generation} <= 1) { if ($combine_gsc) { print &$move_header('gsc'); $move_columns++; } else { print &$move_header('gs'), &$move_header('c'); $move_columns += 2; } } if ($combine_rsfl) { print &$move_header('rsfl'); $move_columns++; } else { print &$move_header('rusa'), &$move_header('frlg'); $move_columns += 2; } print < Move END my $all_columns = $move_columns + 6; my $color = 1; # Level moves for my $i (0 .. $#moves) { my $anum = $moves[ $i ][ -1 ]; print qq'\n'; for my $j (reverse 0 .. $#{ $moves[0] } - 1) { $moves[$i][$j] += 0; if ($moves[$i][$j] == 0) { print ' ' } elsif ($moves[$i][$j] == 1) { print ' ' } else { print qq' ' } } print "\n", dex::move_cells($anum), "\n"; $color = 3 - $color; } # Inherited moves my %baby; for (@babyrusa) { $baby{$_} = 1 } @babyrusa{ @babyrusa } = @babyrusa; for (@babygs) { $baby{$_} = 1 } @babygs { @babygs } = @babygs; for (@babyc) { $baby{$_} = 1 } @babyc { @babyc } = @babyc; print qq'\n \n\n" if %baby; for $anum (sort { $dex::MoveData[$a]{name} cmp $dex::MoveData[$b]{name} } keys %baby) { print qq'\n'; print qq' ' if $this{generation} == 0; print qq' ' if $this{generation} == 0 and !$combine_rby; print "\n"; if ($this{generation} <= 1) { if ($combine_gsc) { print ' '; } else { print ' '; } } print ' ', ($babyrusa{$anum} ? 'RSFL' : ''), ' '; print dex::move_cells($anum), "\n"; $color = 3 - $color; } # Tutor moves print qq'\n' if @tutor; for $anum (@tutor) { print qq'\n \n'; print dex::move_cells($anum), "\n"; $color = 3 - $color; } # TMs for $tm (reverse 0 .. $#dex::Generations) { my $tmgen = $dex::Generations[$tm]{short}; next unless defined $this{$tmgen . 'tm'} and $this{$tmgen . 'tm'} !~ /^0+$/; print qq'\n'; for my $i (0 .. length $this{$tmgen . 'tm'}) { next unless substr($this{$tmgen . 'tm'}, $i, 1); my $anum = $dex::TMs[$tm][$i + 1]; print qq'\n'; print qq' \n'; print dex::move_cells($anum), "\n"; $color = 3 - $color; } } print < END # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # layout::footer(); ################################################################################ # count the depth of an evolution chain sub ev_countlevels { my $ev = shift; my $lev = 0; while (1) { $lev++; last if $#$ev <= 1; $ev = $ev->[2]; } return $lev; } # count the number of table rows a chain requires sub ev_countrows { my $ev = shift; my $offset = shift || 0; my $r = 0; my $i; if ($#$ev == 1 + $offset) { return 1; } for $i (2 + $offset .. $#$ev) { $r += &ev_countrows($ev->[$i], $offset); } return $r; } # adds the rows number of each link into the chain structure sub ev_addrows { my ($ev, $start) = @_; my $newev = [ @$ev[0,1], $start ]; my $i; my $cnt = 0; for $i (0 .. $#$ev-2) { push @$newev, &ev_addrows($ev->[$i+2], $start + $cnt); $cnt += &ev_countrows($ev->[$i+2]); } return $newev; } # decode an evolution.. code sub ev_type { my $evtype = shift; my $evcode = substr($evtype, 0, 1); my $evparam = length($evtype) ? substr($evtype, 1) : ''; if (!$evcode) { return; } elsif ($evcode eq 'F') { return 'Use a Fire Stone' } elsif ($evcode eq 'M') { return 'Use a Moon Stone' } elsif ($evcode eq 'W') { return 'Use a Water Stone' } elsif ($evcode eq 'S') { return 'Use a Sun Stone' } elsif ($evcode eq 'P') { return 'Use a Leaf Stone' } elsif ($evcode eq 'T') { return 'Use a Thunderstone' } elsif ($evcode eq 'L') { return "Raise to level $evparam" } elsif ($evcode eq 'H') { return 'Happiness + level up' } elsif ($evcode eq 'B') { return 'Beauty + level up' } elsif ($evcode eq 'D') { return &ev_type($evparam) . ' during daytime' } elsif ($evcode eq 'N') { return &ev_type($evparam) . ' at night' } elsif ($evcode eq 'R') { return 'Trade' } elsif ($evcode eq 'I') { return "Trade with $evparam attached" } elsif ($evcode eq 'E') { return "Appears in open slot after a $poke_name[$evparam] is evolved to" } elsif ($evcode eq 'a') { return "Level $evparam; attack > def" } elsif ($evcode eq 'd') { return "Level $evparam; attack < def" } elsif ($evcode eq 'e') { return "Level $evparam; attack = def" } else { return "[error]" } } # decode an evolution code and return sub ev_item { my $evtype = shift; my $evcode = substr($evtype, 0, 1); my $evparam = length($evtype) ? substr($evtype, 1) : ''; if (!$evcode) { return; } elsif ($evcode eq 'F') { return 'fire-stone' } elsif ($evcode eq 'M') { return 'moon-stone' } elsif ($evcode eq 'W') { return 'water-stone' } elsif ($evcode eq 'S') { return 'sun-stone' } elsif ($evcode eq 'P') { return 'leaf-stone' } elsif ($evcode eq 'T') { return 'thunderstone' } elsif ($evcode eq 'L') { return 'rare-candy' } elsif ($evcode eq 'H') { return 'heart-scale' } elsif ($evcode eq 'B') { return 'blue-scarf' } elsif ($evcode eq 'D') { return 'light-ball' } elsif ($evcode eq 'N') { return 'blackglasses' } elsif ($evcode eq 'R') { return 'scanner' } elsif ($evcode eq 'I') { ($evparam = lc $evparam) =~ s/ /-/g; return $evparam } elsif ($evcode eq 'E') { return 'premier-ball' } elsif ($evcode eq 'a') { return 'x-attack' } elsif ($evcode eq 'd') { return 'x-defend' } elsif ($evcode eq 'e') { return 'x-speed' } else { return "[error]" } } # print a stat.. row. sub stat_row { my ($name, $value, $percentile) = @_; my ($width); $width = int ($value / 255 * 100 + .5); print qq'\n'; } # merge routine for the movelist # I have no idea how this works sub mergemoves { my @a = @{ $_[0] }; my @b = @{ $_[1] }; my ($pos, $tpos, $i, $j, $temppos, $w, @b2); $w = $#{ $a[ 0 ] }; # Columns of moves in the base array # Make room for the second array for $i (0 .. $#a) { $a[ $i ] = [ @{ $a[ $i ] }[0 .. ($w - 1)], 0, $a[$i][ -1 ] ] } $epos = $pos = 0; # Add the moves from the second list to the first list where they fit for $i (0 .. $#b) { while ($pos <= $#a and ($a[ $pos ][ -2 ] == 0 or $a[ $pos ][ -2 ] <= $b[ $i ][ -2 ])) { $pos++; } while ($pos > 0 and ($a[ $pos - 1 ][ -2 ] == 0 or $a[ $pos - 1 ][ -2 ] == $b[ $i ][ -2 ])) { $pos--; } $tpos = -1; for $temppos ($pos .. $#a) { if ($a[ $temppos ][ -1 ] == $b[ $i ][ -1 ]) { $tpos = $temppos; last; } } if ($tpos == -1 or (($tpos > $#a / 2) and ($i < $#b / 2))) { push @b2, $b[ $i ]; next; } $pos = $tpos; $a[ $pos ][ -2 ] = $b[ $i ][ 0 ]; } @b = @b2; @b2 = (); # Add the rest! REST: for $i (0 .. $#b) { $pos = 0; while ($pos <= $#a and $a[ $pos ][ -2 ] <= $b[ $i ][ -2 ]) { if ($a[ $pos ][ -1 ] == $b[ $i ][ -1 ]) { push @b2, $b[ $i ]; next REST; } $pos++; } splice @a, $pos, 0, [ split(//, '0' x $w), $b[ $i ][ -2 ], $b[ $i ][ -1 ] ]; } if (@b2) { @b = @b2; REST: for $i (0 .. $#b) { $pos = 0; while ($pos <= $#a) { if ($a[ $pos ][ -1 ] == $b[ $i ][ -1 ]) { $temppos = 100; $tpos = $pos; while ($tpos <= $#a and ($temppos = $a[ $tpos ][ -2 ]) == 0) { $tpos++; } if ($temppos >= $b[ $i ][ -2 ]) { $a[ $pos ][ -2 ] = $b[ $i ][ -2 ]; $b[$i] = ""; next REST; } } else { if ($a[ $pos ][ -2 ] != 0 and $a[ $pos ][ -2 ] > $b[ $i ][ 0 ]) { splice @a, $pos, 0, [ split(//, '0' x $w), $b[ $i ][ 0 ], $b[ $i ][ 1 ] ]; $b[$i] = ""; next REST; } } $pos++; } splice @a, $pos, 0, [ split(//, '0' x $w), $b[ $i ][ 0 ], $b[ $i ][ 1 ] ]; $b[$i] = ""; } } # Toss it back @{ $_[0] } = @a; } sub loc_equal { my ($a, $b) = @_; return &hashref_equal($a, $b); } # out: hash of mode => { category => { areas } } sub loc_print { my ($loc, $icon, $color, $cols) = @_; return unless %$loc; my $rows = 1 + scalar keys %$loc; print qq'\n'; for my $mode (sort dex::by_area keys %$loc) { for my $cat (sort keys %{ $loc->{$mode} }) { print ''; if ($cat eq 'default') { print qq''; } else { print qq''; } print '\n'; } } } sub hashref_equal { my ($a, $b) = @_; if (scalar(keys %$a) != scalar(keys %$b)) { return 0; } if (sort keys %$a != sort keys %$b) { return 0; } for my $i (keys %$a) { if (ref $a->{$i} ne ref $b->{$i}) { return 0; } if (!ref $a->{$i} and $a->{$i} ne $b->{$i}) { return 0; } if (ref $a->{$i} eq 'ARRAY') { return &arrayref_equal($a->{$i}, $b->{$i}); } if (ref $a->{$i} eq 'HASH') { return &hashref_equal($a->{$i}, $b->{$i}); } } return 1; } sub arrayref_equal { my ($a, $b) = @_; if ($#$a != $#$b) { return 0; } for my $i (0 .. $#$a) { if (ref $a->[$i] ne ref $b->[$i]) { return 0; } if (!ref $a->[$i] and $a->[$i] ne $b->[$i]) { return 0; } if (ref $a->[$i] eq 'ARRAY') { return &arrayref_equal($a->[$i], $b->[$i]); } if (ref $a->[$i] eq 'HASH') { return &hashref_equal($a->[$i], $b->[$i]); } } return 1; } sub by_level { return (($$a[0] <=> $$b[0]) or ($cmn::MoveData[$$a[1]]{name} cmp $cmn::MoveData[$$b[1]]{name})) } exit;
$dex::Icons{$_[0]} Type PP Power Acc. Description
  -- $moves[$i][$j]
Inherited moves ' if %baby; print "(Pokémon can also inherit any TMs they are compatible with) " if ($this{newtm} or $this{rusatm}) and %baby; print "
', ($babygs{$anum} ? 'GSC' : ''), ' ', ($babygs{$anum} ? 'GS' : ''), ' ', ($babyc{$anum} ? 'C' : ''), '
Move Tutor (Crystal only)
$dex::Icons{(qw/rby gsc rsfl/)[$tm]} $dex::Generations[$tm]{tms} TMs and HMs $dex::Icons{(qw/rby gsc rsfl/)[$tm]}
'; if (substr($this{$tmgen . 'tm'}, $i, 1) eq '1') { print dex::tmname($i + 1); } else { print "", dex::tmname($i + 1), ""; } print qq'
$mode$mode$cat', join(', ', sort dex::by_area keys %{ $loc->{$mode}{$cat} }), qq'