A brief history of Fur Affinity


Management, administration, notable events


Downtime, hacks, catastrophes


And other attempts to rewrite from scratch


New UIs, new features, broken dreams


FA giveth, and FA taketh away
Jun 2016
May 2016

Site hacked, source code stolen

Dragoneer announces that someone broke in earlier that month using the "ImageTrack" exploit. The attacker stole a copy of the source code and distributed it on USB drives at (presumably) BLFC several days prior.

The attacker deleted chunks of the database, and the most recent full backup was six days old. It's unclear whether the attacker also stole a copy of the database.

The attacker's identity is unknown at this point.

FA forum thread; flayrah

Apr 2016
Mar 2016
Feb 2016

Forums restored

FA's forums are reopened, using different software but preserving the post history.

Fender journal

IMVU sends lawyers at Silver Eagle

Silver Eagle reports that IMVU's legal department is sending him strongly-worded emails regarding his own attempt at a furry art site. Other developers distance themselves from Silver Eagle for fear of also attracting legal attention.

A few people who brought this up on FA report having their comments hidden, submissions deleted, or accounts suspended.

Silver Eagle's Twitter (2, 3, 4, 5); Dibs's Twitter (all now defunct)


The forum administrator decides to take his ball and go home, leaving FA without forums for several months.

flayrah; IRC logs of Carenath; Fender journal

Jan 2016

Silver Eagle quits, reports not having been paid

Silver Eagle posts a YouTube video saying he asked to be paid a pittance for his work, and FA agreed. Bureaucracy repeatedly got in the way of actually producing a check, so he escalated to IMVU, who revealed that they never received his contract.

In a comment, he says that since posting the video, Dragoneer has agreed to pay him.

He also describes the internal FA politics as wildly distrustful and is particularly critical of yak, who intensely dislikes outsiders meddling with the code or servers.

Silver Eagle's YouTube

Silver Eagle reveals Daedalus (Ferrox v7)

In his video, Silver Eagle explains that he was actually working on yet another clean-room rewrite of FA, named Daedalus.

The code, not mentioned publicly until now, was under the Apache license since the beginning, and has now been put on GitHub.

Silver Eagle's YouTube; Daedalus source code

Dec 2015
Nov 2015
Oct 2015
Sep 2015

Forums split off

FA's forums become Phoenix Forums and move to a new domain, leaving FA without an independent dedicated discussion area.

According to Carenath, this was in response to FA's removal of its link to the forums, as he assumed the next step would be to shut the forums down entirely.

Within the next two weeks, due to some concerns about private information that technically belonged to FA, the forums would be wiped and started from scratch.

flayrah; IRC logs of Carenath

FA: United 8

Gallery folders

FA adds gallery folders, seven and a half years after they were first announced.

FA journal announcement; Changelog

Aug 2015

Forum staff mass exodus

This was a thorny and confusing mess, and made much worse by the decision to censor and ban former admins who explained their grievances in depth.

When the dust settled, one main site admin and four forum moderators had quit.

It also came to light that forum moderators were asked to provide photo ID if they wished to remain moderators.


Jul 2015

Phoenix reappears, possibly abandoned

The "phoenix" repo gets three commits, but all the old history is missing.

As of this writing (Jan 2016), there have been no further commits.

FA's GitHub


FA begins keeping a changelog.


Jun 2015
May 2015
Apr 2015

New UI open beta

The new UI enters open beta almost eight years to the day after it was first promised, and looks rather a lot like Weasyl.

Fender journal

Mar 2015

IMVU acquisition announced

Dragoneer announces that FA has "joined the IMVU family", which is faux corporate speak for "been bought for an undisclosed sum". This announcement comes two months after the actual acquisition, demonstrating FA's newfound commitment to transparency.

FA forum thread

Phoenix repo reappears, empty

There is now a "phoenix" repository on FA's GitHub once again, but it's completely empty.

FA's GitHub; personal research

Feb 2015
Jan 2015

IMVU acquisition

IMVU purchases FA. The userbase would not be made aware of this for another two months.

FA forum thread

Dec 2014

Phoenix code disappears

The Phoenix code repository disappears from FA's GitHub, presumably changed to private.

FA's GitHub; personal research

Nov 2014

Jake never used

Via Zidonuke's Trello for tracking FA operational tasks, it comes to light that Jake, one of the two beefy machines purchased in May 2013 with over $5,000 in donations, has been been unused the entire time.

This is particularly egregious considering that FA had just raised another $17,000 for hardware one month prior, while a machine worth thousands of dollars collected dust.

Fender journal comment thread

Zidonuke resigns

By this date at the latest, Starrykitten aka Zidonuke has stepped down.

Zidonuke's twitter

New devop, Zidonuke

FA announces that a new devops person named Starrykitten has joined the team maintaining the existing site. Starrykitten appears to be a freshly-minted name with little history attached to it, but the person seems competent enough and sets about investigating FA's operational backlog in a systematic and public way.

It is soon discovered that Starrykitten is Zidonuke, a person somewhat infamous for black hat shenanigans. This revelation generates considerable consternation.

Fender journal; thread on r/furry

Oct 2014

GoFundMe hardware fundraiser

FA starts a GoFundMe fundraiser asking for $25,000 to purchase new servers of some sort. FA is looking at migrating to a "new system", perhaps "dedicated server based hosting".

FA nets $17,104.23 from the fundraiser, and donates 10% to SoFurry to help them recover from the DDoS that occurred at the same time. Weasyl and Inkbunny, which were also affected, receive nothing.

Dragoneer incidentally reveals that the site owes $10,000 in taxes.

Fender journal; Fender journal; Dragoneer's comment on r/furry


FA experiences a massive DDoS from an unknown source and is largely unavailable for most of the week. SoFurry, Inkbunny, and Weasyl are also affected.

Fender journal

Sep 2014

New UI open beta soon

New UI reported to be almost complete and will allegedly "update the site's look and feel to a more modern, clean look". The linked screenshots look like modest CSS changes to the current site, nothing like any previous mockups. "Additional details will be available soon."

Fender journal

Aug 2014

FA: United 7

Jul 2014
Jun 2014

Phoenix recruitment

FA puts out a call for a skilled "CSS and layout wizard", despite Adam Wan's claimed extensive expertise in Web development.

Fender journal

May 2014
Apr 2014
Mar 2014
Feb 2014
Jan 2014

Project Phoenix (Ferrox v6) announced

FA announces another rewrite from scratch, this time in node.js. The team is Dragoneer (whose actual role is vague), Adam Wan (who made the new UI mockups and chose the platform), and two people with no reputation.

This generates quite a lot of furor, as Adam Wan had previously been embroiled in rape allegations, which he treated dismissively.

Fender journal

Ferrox v5 aborted

Ben Anderson claims that he, Myr, and Nanuk had been laying groundwork for an FA rewrite since October 2013, after receiving Dragoneer's blessing. The project is never named, but would have been the fifth such known undertaking.

Dragoneer says he said they could help, but never heard any more from them, and subsequently forgot they'd asked in the first place. Meanwhile Adam Wan had "escalated" into lead dev for yet another rewrite.

There is no clear resolution, but it appears v5 was abandoned shortly thereafter.

FA forum thread

Dec 2013

Adam Wan asks about node

Adam Wan asks Twitter if anyone has experience with node.js, the platform he would soon thereafter decide to rebuild FA upon. A followup tweet explains that he's "trying to wrap [his] head around it".

Ben Anderson's tumblr

Ben Anderson's UI preview

Ben Anderson posts to his Tumblr that he has been designing a new frontend for FA.

Ben Anderson's tumblr

"Fender bender"

Dragoneer is taken aback by his discovery of "fender bender", a Weasyl utility for importing one's watchlist from FA. He complains to Weasyl on Twitter. The name is later changed to "SOFT", a backronym.

Dragoneer's twitter

Nov 2013
Oct 2013

Staff recruitment

FA announces it's looking for more admins and "documentation specialists".

In the journal comments, Freehaven questions that FA isn't asking for developers. Dragoneer responds that several devs have come on board recently. However this was never announced, and the new devs aren't shown on the staff page.

Fender journal

Sep 2013

Migration to Jake

After a server migration, Jake is now the primary DB server.

Fender journal

Aug 2013

FA: United 6

Jul 2013
Jun 2013
May 2013

$7,000 of hardware acquired and installed

Using donated hardware from the February donation, donated gift cards, and some extra cash, FA acquires two beefy new servers named Finn and Jake.

Fender journal

Apr 2013
Mar 2013
Feb 2013

Hardware donation drive

FA asks for donations of hardware (mostly in the form of buying hardware from an Amazon wish list) to help "add redundant systems to the site".

The drive ends the following day, reporting over $5,000 in hardware purchased. The hardware is reportedly put to use in May.

Fender journal; Fender journal

Jan 2013
Dec 2012
Nov 2012
Oct 2012
Sep 2012
Aug 2012

FA: United 5

Jul 2012
Jun 2012

Upload problems

Multiple users are unable to upload submissions or new avatars. yak explains that the cause is missing file-system directories, which exist per-user for legacy reasons.

vivisector forum thread

May 2012
Apr 2012
Mar 2012
Feb 2012

Sonic "age up" guidelines

Sciggles posts new guidelines for how FA will interpret the age of Sonic characters in porn.

The guide appears to suggest drawing them in a Western anthro style, nothing like the original art style.

FA forum thread; WikiFur mirror

Jan 2012
Dec 2011
Nov 2011
Oct 2011

Furocity admin exodus

The new Furocity admins abruptly resign all around the same time, blaming poor leadership and gross misconduct behind the scenes.

Only one Furocity admin now remains, and they are later removed as well. The Furocity merger is never mentioned again.

"WriterWren" journal; "photografuhrer" user profile

Sep 2011
Aug 2011


FA is discovered to have quietly added an affiliate linking script five days prior, violating its own TOS and possibly FTC rules. A non-apology is issued, and a news post offers the opt out link.

vivisector forum thread

Furocity admins appear

The staff page is rearranged to split admins into departments. Most FA staff remain as "user support", whereas the departments almost exclusively contain Furocity admins with anonymous (and often antagonistic) FA accounts.

vivisector forum thread

AUP refinements

The Acceptable Upload Policy is updated to introduce oddly specific rules about photos of food and BDSM costumes. The wiki is incidentally noted to no longer exist.

FA forum thread


FA is down periodically over two days due to a DDoS from a botnet. Attacker was not identified. During the downtime, FA upgrades one of their self-owned routers.

vivisector forum thread

Jul 2011

Furocity "merger"

FA announces a merge with Furocity. This is later clarified to be a personnel merge only: the sites will remain separate, but Furocity moderators and developers will help out FA.

FA forum thread

File server full

The file server runs out of disk space. Users are unable to upload art, though some voluntarily delete their own work to help out. There is no sign of the new 12TB server.

personal experience

Scraper disabled

A lulz user releases a program for downloading an artist's entire gallery. yak deliberately breaks it, citing "because I can? there is no technical reason for this."

FA forum thread

Logins mixed up

Some users find themselves logged in as different users, with the powers of those users. A few abuse this privilege to wipe others' galleries. The cause turns out to be a server-side cache mechanism; yak claims someone else installed it over him, though never reveals whom.

FA forum thread

Jun 2011

File server 99% full

FA mentions that it has only 1% of its available disk space left, but that it's adding a new 12TB file server within the next month. The current server is only 2TB.

FA's twitter

CSRF attacks

An unknown attacker creates a page that, when visited by a logged-in FA user, post a journal as that user that encourages watchers to visit the attack page. Arcturus later uses the same approach to force visitors to submit empty submissions and log out whenever they visit yiffyleaks.

The general approach used was on Eevee's exploit list. Shortly thereafter, the first real CSRF protection is added to FA, almost a year after Eevee and yak discussed it.

FA forum thread

May 2011

FA: United 4

New UI open beta soon

Front page news states: "We're working on the UI release, and hope to have an open beta soon! Right now we're waiting on a few things before the beta opens up (recoded commenting system) before we can launch the beta."

personal research

Optional SSL

All FA pages are now accessible via SSL, though http is still the default.

Dragoneer journal

Apr 2011

Ratte hack

Ratte's forum account is compromised. Dozens of screenshots of admin threads are leaked.

vivisector forum thread

Some exploits fixed?

At least one of the XSS exploits on Eevee's list is fixed around this date. Others remain unfixed.

personal experience

Mar 2011

Load balancer

FA installs a "dedicated firewall and a load balancer".

FA forum thread


Another DDoS attack causes 500 errors and general slowdowns, although FA had already been running slowly since the recent hardware installation.

FA forum thread

Secondary sites down

Figment, FA's virtual machine server, drops offline. Affected services include FA:U's website, email, FA registration, and password resets. FA acknowledges the problem some twelve hours later.

FA forum thread

Server password leaks

Dax's SSH password is discovered in the December note leaks. It still works, providing access to both the database and backup servers.

Arcturus's twitter


FA suffers serious performance degredation due to a lengthy DDoS attack.

FA forum thread; FA forum thread

URL shortener disappears

FA's new hardware firewall quietly blocks all access to the pss.ms domain.

FA forum thread

Feb 2011

Knowledge base

FA purchases knowledge base software, despite having had a wiki for some time that many admins never had access to. The software proves to be of extremely poor quality; FA takes it down two days later and instead purchases different software, hosted outside their own servers, for $50/mo.

vivisector forum thread

Rhainor hack

Rhainor's admin account is compromised. Admin comments for a few users are leaked.

vivisector forum thread

Exploit list acknowledged

Four months later, Summercat (an admin at the time) finally asks Eevee for explanations of all the exploits they know about. The details are gathered and finally provided on March 1.

personal experience

Late maintenance

FA goes offline around 5am EDT for database upgrades intended to happen overnight. It remains down for twelve hours. yak reveals that there are 393 million rows in the new submission notification table.

FA forum thread

Commission info

The commission information page is disabled due to XSS vulnerabilities. The link to it is quietly removed after maintenance in Feb 2011, seemingly marking its permanent demise.

vivisector's timeline

Jan 2011

Cacti exposed

FA's Cacti installation (used for server monitoring) is discovered to have a guest account enabled, allowing anyone to view real-time private statistics. Once discovered, the entire server was firewalled.

vivisector forum thread

DB password and code leaked

A server misconfiguration allows anyone to read the password for the database server, as well as parts of the source code. Some of the code is leaked.

vivisector forum thread

No new UI work done?

In its birthday announcements, FA implies that no work has been done on the new UI since it was first previewed in the summer of 2009.

FA forum thread

New UI designer announced

FA announces the impending hiring of a UI designer to finish the new UI.

Birthday announcements

FA turns six years old. FA announces a "v3" is under development; new dev staff will be added; commenting will be overhauled; and commission and rating systems will be added. A beta is scheduled for unveiling during FA:U 4, on May 21.

FA forum thread

Web hosting within 30 days

In its birthday announcements, FA announces that web hosting will be up and running within 30 days.

FA forum thread

Dec 2010

10 days of comments lost

yak inadvertently deletes the past 10 days' worth of comments.

vivisector forum thread

Note hack

Unknown malefactors hijack an admin account, wipe galleries of several high-profile artists, and steal the notes of 42 high-profile users in bulk via admin note access. Later, Arcturus puts up a searchable browse interface of most of the leaked notes.


Nov 2010

Cub banned

Due to objections from FA's payment processor, which it relies on to receive donations, cub porn is explicitly banned. The ban remains through the present day (2014), though FA still has no payment processor.

FA forum thread

AlertPay drops FA

AlertPay, one of the few payment processors willing to tolerate porn, closes FA's donation account and (temporarily?) seizes the $2,300 left in it, citing that cub porn violates their terms of service.

FA forum thread

Eevee ban evasion

Eevee circumvents their ban (via one of their announced exploits) for the mundane purpose of leaving a sassy comment on a friend's journal. The comment and exploit are swiftly and silently removed.

personal experience

Supporter ribbons announced

FA announces Supporter Ribbons: several images emphasizing a user's contribution to FA, to be placed on user pages.

Dragoneer journal

Oct 2010

Exploit list

Eevee produces a list of two dozen FA exploits, and offers to explain the problems and solutions to any FA admin who asks.

Eevee's LiveJournal

Comment hiding hack

Eevee discovers that the new comment hiding feature doesn't correctly check whether you're allowed to hide a comment. They hide tens of thousands of random recent comments, causing some consternation, before the hole is successfully plugged.

Eevee is banned as a result. Dragoneer states that the critical offense was targeting the community rather than just him.

personal experience

Comment hiding

FA adds comment hiding, allowing users to hide either their own comments or comments others make on their artwork.

WikiFur; personal experience

Sep 2010


Due to rampant abuse, registration is disabled during this period.

vivisector's timeline

Aug 2010

Servers move to full cabinet

FA moves their servers from a 1/4 cabinet to a full 42-unit cabinet. It never gets more than 1/3 full, according to eyewitness reports. Dragoneer later states that they need a full cabinet to get 24/7 access to the datacenter, but InfoRelay (the host) denies this.

FA's twitter; IRC log with _fox; Dragoneer's twitter; unsourced email sent to InfoRelay

URL shortener announced

FA announces a furry URL shortener. The domain pss.ms is registered and given a placeholder page. The service is "coming very soon".

As of this writing (Jan 2016), no such service exists.

Dragoneer journal

Folders coming soon

Dragoneer affirms that gallery folders are being finalized and are coming soon.

They would finally see the light of day in Sep 2015.

Dragoneer journal

Jul 2010

Caffeine (Ferrox v4) abandoned?

This date marks the last known commit to the Caffeine project.

Since the project was never intended to be public (and it's unknown how the code was leaked), it's possible work continued after this date.

However, neither the project nor Ice-Wolf's involvement with FA have ever been announced publicly.

GitHub mirror

Minor UI changes

Minor UI changes appear. Most notably, the sidebar moves to the top of the page. FA announces that these changes are in preparation for the new UI.

vivisector's timeline

Jun 2010
May 2010

FA: United 3

Encrypted login

FA adds SSL to the login page, partially resolving the exploit used on Aug 11, 2007.

vivisector's timeline

Apr 2010

YouTube embedding

FA adds a bbcode tag for embedding YouTube videos within FA journals.


Folders in testing

Dragoneer confirms that gallery folders are in testing and will be deployed soon.

They would finally see the light of day in Sep 2015.

FA forum thread

Mar 2010

Caffeine (Ferrox v4) development begins

This date marks the first commit to the Caffeine project, also referred to as Ferrox in its own history.

However, the commit is massive, so development may have been ongoing for some time before this date.

The project is written in overengineered PHP, and its only developer is Ice-Wolf.

GitHub mirror; personal research

Web hosting announced

FA announces a web hosting service, with a target release somewhere between April and August.

As of this writing (Jan 2016), no such service exists.

FA's twitter

Feb 2010

Profile ids

FA adds profile ids: the ability to show a scrap submission on a userpage.

FA forum thread

Jan 2010
Dec 2009


FA shuts down due to datacenter issues. It returns in a new datacenter.


Ferrox v3 dev goes down

Sometime between the last commit and this date, the Ferrox v3 bug tracker and source code quietly go offline. They never return.

personal research

Nov 2009
Oct 2009
Sep 2009

Last Ferrox v3 commit

Date of the last code change ever made to Ferrox v3.

FA forum thread; GitHub mirror; personal research

Aug 2009
Jul 2009
Jun 2009

New UI previewed

FA previews the new UI, designed by Zaush and apparently in progress at the same time as Ferrox v3. Announced a release in late 2009.

A new UI would eventually be put into open beta in Apr 2015, though it's unclear whether it was based on this preview.

vivisector's timeline

May 2009
Apr 2009
Mar 2009

Eevee resigns

Eevee resigns from the Ferrox v3 project, leaving it without a lead developer.

FA forum thread; personal research

Feb 2009

Password leak "hack"

Several user accounts are compromised; in the chaos Dragoneer accidentally gives one of the compromised accounts administrator permissions instead of banning them.

Later, FA discovers that 738 users are still using passwords that predated a password leak three years prior, and forces them to finally change them.

CrushYiffDestroy forum thread (now defunct)


Full-text search of FA artwork is disabled during this period, originally "temporarily" due to a lack of resources. It's promised to make a comeback in Ferrox, but later added back to current FA.

FA forum thread; Eevee journal; personal research

Jan 2009

Printing confirmed

Dragoneer reaffirms that a printing service is in progress.

As of this writing (Jan 2016), no such service has been launched.

FA forum thread

Dec 2008
Nov 2008
Oct 2008

Ferrox v3 made public

The bug tracker and source code repository for Ferrox v3 are made publicly accessible.

FA forum thread; personal research

Sep 2008
Aug 2008

FA: United 2

$16,000 fundraiser

FA raises $16,000 in donations in order to get up and running again.



FA shuts down due to a hardware failure. It returns after purchasing new servers (Trogdor and Novastorm) with $16,000 in donations.

WikiFur; vivisector's timeline

Jul 2008
Jun 2008
May 2008

Backup donation request

Dragoneer posts a journal asking for donations for a backup server:

"We do not have a proper, professional-grade backup system in place. We've got RAID backups, but that's not a end solution, and we need to change that."

Dragoneer also says the backup server will be used to add features and bring back search.

CrushYiffDestroy forum thread (now defunct)

Apr 2008

Crypto resigns

Crypto, the lead developer of Ferrox v3 at the time, resigns from FA. The position of lead developer passes to Eevee.

personal research

Folders confirmed

yak confirms that FA will have gallery folders, before the release of Ferrox v3.

They would eventually be deployed in Sep 2015, which is indeed before the release of Ferrox v3.

FA forum thread

Mar 2008
Feb 2008

Ferrox v3 in progress

Eevee announces in their FA journal that Ferrox v3 is under active development.

FA forum thread;

Jan 2008
Dec 2007
Nov 2007


FA adds ad banners.

personal research

Oct 2007

Dragoneer acquires FA

Dragoneer purchases FA from Alkora/Jheryn for $2,500.

WikiFur; Dragoneer journal

Eevee joins dev staff

Crypto, the lead dev for the as-yet-unannounced Ferrox v3, invites Eevee on board. Eevee accepts, and starts committing to the project within a week.

GitHub mirror; personal research

Sep 2007

First Ferrox v3 commit

Date of the first code change ever made to Ferrox v3. Crypto is responsible for the initial commit.

GitHub mirror

Ferrox v3 officially starts

A call for Ferrox developers (and beta testers, QA, etc.) officially goes out. Very few people end up joining the team.

FA forum thread; personal research

Aug 2007

FA: United 1

Alkora password hack

Alkora sniffs Dragoneer's FA password over open wifi at FA:U. He defaces FA with a scoffing administrator message.


Jul 2007
Jun 2007
May 2007
Apr 2007

New UI announced

Mar 2007
Feb 2007
Jan 2007
Dec 2006
Nov 2006

Cub allowed

Cub "art" is explicitly allowed.

WikiFur; FA forum thread

Content filters announced

In the wake of the initial cub controversy, FA announces that fine-grained content filters will be released in the near future.

As of this writing (Jan 2016), no such feature exists.

FA forum thread

Oct 2006

All read notes lost

All notes that had been marked "read" are inadvertently deleted.

personal research

Sep 2006

Donation drive

FA announces a $1,000 donation drive to cover bandwidth costs.

personal research

Aug 2006

verix code leak

verix discovers an oversight in FA's Apache configuration that allows running arbitrary PHP code on the server. She acquires most of FA's source code.

personal experience

Jul 2006
Jun 2006

New server online

FA's $1,500 server, purchased about half a year prior, goes online.


Arcturus hack

Arcturus makes use of an unknown exploit. FA is locked down, but there is no permanent damage done.

personal research

Ferrox v2 announced

FA announces the development of Ferrox (later referred to as "v2"), a rewrite of the FA software from scratch, with a closed beta coming soon.

The effort was quietly forgotten. The code never saw the light of day, but it appears Alkora (the original FA developer) was the sole developer, and presumably the project was written in PHP like FA was.

FA forum thread

May 2006
Apr 2006
Mar 2006
Feb 2006
Jan 2006
Dec 2005

Extensive downtime

After the June attacks, FA shuts down. It returns as "version 2" with an empty database, but an account importer for existing users.


Paid features

FA announces fundraising plans, including paid accounts, a printing service, and a store.

vivisector's timeline

Nov 2005
Oct 2005
Sep 2005

$1,500 fundraiser

FA raises $1,500 in donations towards a new server.


Aug 2005
Jul 2005
Jun 2005

Unknown attack

Attack of an uncertain nature, only specified as "major security holes and hacking" by WikiFur.


May 2005
Apr 2005
Mar 2005
Feb 2005
Jan 2005

FA launches

FA comes online, as a haven for SheezyArt and y!Gallery refugees.
